Frequently Asked Questions
What is One Love Brigade?
One Love Brigade is a no salary non-profit organization that helps the people of Jamaica that focuses on upward mobility.
How are things given away?
We drive through Jamaica and we randomly hand pick people throughout and we give items out. We don’t take requests for items as we feel it wrecks the magic of random giveaways. If we committed to give someone something and didn’t deliver we would be cursed across the island.
How we can help you?
Because we are random we cannot promise anyone anything! But to try to get on our radar please email us at Subject line, with your “name, city, parish” and with what way we can help. Tell us a story and we will see what we can do. Again we CANNOT promise anything, as we want to help everyone we can only do so much.
How do I donate money?
Go to
What is the Brigade program?
The Brigade is a good way to donate monthly automatically. This helps raise money for shipping, storing, and getting more bikes, wheelchairs, medical supplies and more to Jamaica
Can we meet up with you while in Jamaica?
Yes, we look forward to meeting as many people as we can.
How can I donate a bike?
We do accept bikes that are ride ready, this means the tires hold air, and the bike is rust free. We bring these bikes to Jamaica and pre-rusted bikes instantly rust out and essentially become garbage left on an island. We are located in NE Minneapolis and bikes can be dropped off. We really appreciate your help and support!